This page allows you to easily type Russian (Cyrillic) letters without a Russian keyboard. You can edit your text in the box and then copy it to your document, e-mail message, etc.
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Press the key which sounds like the Russian letter you want to type. For example, to type д, press D. This keyboard follows the AATSEEL “phonetic” Russian keyboard layout.

Some characters need a shortcut with Alt, e.g. to type =, press Alt + = or Alt + 0. Stop the mouse over each button to learn its keyboard shortcut(s).

You can select text and press Ctrl + C to copy it to your docu­ment. In your target document, press Ctrl + V, or, if you want to paste the text without formatting, try Ctrl + Shift + V. Press Alt + Enter to turn the Russian layout on and off.

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Type Russian letters online Russian keyboard?  

Characters accessible with Alt (point at button to see shortcut):
To type these, press normal letters on your keyboard (orange symbols are typed with Shift):

Shift + click button for upper case
  • This online Russian keyboard follows the easy-to-learn AATSEEL “phonetic” keyboard layout, which tries to match Russian letters to QWERTY keys based on sound — for example, п (which sounds like p) is typed by pressing P. The phonetic layout is widely used in the US by Russian translators, teachers, people learning Russian, etc. If you’re looking for the layout that is used in Russia, try this Russian keyboard from Apronus.
  • The phonetic layout is designed for QWERTY and QWERTZ keyboards. It is not compatible with AZERTY keyboards.
  • If you want to type something using your regular (usually Latin) keyboard layout, you can simply disable keyboard shortcuts by pressing Alt + Enter.
  • Many people use the terms “Russian alphabet” and “Cyrillic alphabet” interchangeably, but “Cyrillic alphabet” is actually a broader term. There are many variants of the Cyrillic alphabet, including the Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian alphabets. That’s why this page is titled “Russian keyboard”, not “Cyrillic keyboard”.
  • Deviations from the AATSEEL standard: Several characters (, @, « and »), which are typed with Shift+digit shortcuts in the AATSEEL layout, are typed with Alt+digit instead. This is to prevent overriding Shift+digit characters.